ReviewsAlbum ReviewsAlfie Firmin - This Time Around // Album Review

Alfie Firmin – This Time Around // Album Review

Alfie Firmin is a man very much out of time. He’s exactly the kind of musician I like too: while others are busy posturing and throwing themselves towards whatever happens to be the in thing at any given time, he’s one of those over to the side just doing his thing. Not fussed about chasing likes and all that nonsense, instead crafting these perfect little pop gems that inhabit their own world. As you’d expect from someone whose Spotify bio explicitly uses the term ‘Beatle-esque’, he’s a guy who has a strong grasp of melody and a knack for an earworm.

This Time Around is his best collection of songs yet. Ten tracks of predominantly piano-led folk pop that feel familiar from the first listen, yet also have the ability to surprise. A personal favourite of mine is ‘Sentimental Doubt’ with its gorgeous melody and Macca-style piano moving to unexpected places. Elsewhere, the brass on ‘Make it Right’ is impossible to resist, and the album’s penultimate track, ‘Two Keys’, hits like an instant classic. It’s the latter in particular which feels like the climax of the record, where all the individual elements come together in sharp focus. Firmin’s vocal is smooth and understated as the song slowly unravels into something quite spectacular, floating on a glorious bed of harmonies.

If your thing is short, sharp, intelligent pop with a distinct ‘70s vibe, then This Time Around could well be for you. It’s warm, it’s inviting, it’s nourishing, and it leaves you wanting more. All of that is basically me saying it’s very, very good.



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