FeatureFruit Salad - September 2024

Fruit Salad – September 2024

Welcome this month’s Fruit Salad! Our new series in which artists release details of their favourite fruits alongside their new music. A combination I’m sure you’ve always wanted to see come to fruit-ition.

Unfortunately, things got a little ahead of us last month, so there was no Fruit Salad. A real comedown of fruit-based nutrition was apparent throughout the land. I just wanted to take a moment to apologise to those who did get involve and want to assure them that your answers are stored forever in my heart.

Here are the artists taking part in the fruit bowl for September 2024! All of these songs have been added to our Fruit Salad spotify playlist, which features everybody who has taken part so far.

Gaby Duboisjoli – “Come With Me”

“My (2nd) favourite fruit is Pomegranate because I love the tanginess, the firm texture and the fact is has the power to elevate any dish to that of a godlike feast.”

Discotec – “The Ballroom”


The Down & Outs – “2345”

“Favourite fruit is definitely a peach because it’s so seasonally affected. A peach in the winter is un-edible. It’s a front to God that it even exists. A peach in the summer (preferably mid-July through August) is one of the most life affirming experiences you can have.

On the outside, it’s soft and ergonomic. It feels great in the palm of your hand. The small furs are reminiscent of lambs’ ear plants, something my mother always had in the garden growing up. But once you take a bite you enter the garden of Eden, THROUGH sin. It’s this heaving ambrosia of colour and flavour that leaps out from the meat of the fruit. There’s a stream of its moisture rolling down your face instantly. It’s so innocent yet sensual at the same time.

There’s also the hard-pruned scarlet core that looks like it’s heard every secret you’ve ever kept. Nothing better than tossing that into the dirt, hoping that it can start anew.”

Cloud House – “Steal This Life”

“I’m gonna answer on behalf of the band and say there’s nothing like a crispy Apple. Makes my day better!”

Michael Gallagher – “Everybody (Wants to Be Somebody”


Marnie Glum – “Australia”

“Blueberry! I like that my tongue turns blue when I eat them and they’re easy to share at a picnic.”

Bryony Williams – “You Are Here”

“Yellow melon at the mo! Because…I’m eating one a week at the moment. After staying at a friend’s house, they served salad as part of a breakfast “picky bits” which seemed unusual at first…you know, feta, sprigs of mint, lettuce leaves, cucumber, tomato and…canary (yellow) melon. And now, that exceptional fruit salad has become a staple dish!”

Swan – “Soul”

“As for fruit, we put it to a band vote and the most common was pineapple.”

Broncos – “Erode”

“My favourite fruit is pineapple. It’s a divisive fruit. It doesn’t need to be popular like apples and isn’t so weird like kiwi. It’s not for everyone and it doesn’t want to be. But the people who do love it, it’s there for 100%. As chunks, as rings, as a vessel for rice and OFC on pizza.”

Sophie Valerie – “Dear Diary”

“It’s my most personal track by now and it captures the bittersweet transition from childhood innocence to adult realities. Reminds me of Lemons because they taste really good but sometimes they’re way too sour…”

St. Lundi – The Island

“Hmmm that’s a tricky one. I drink orange juice before I go on stage every single time I play a show so I’d be tempted to say an orange, however I think my favourite fruit would have to be watermelon. I usually go to Greece on holiday each year and that moment where I’m sitting on the beach with a beer and some watermelon is unmatched.”

If you would like to take part in a future Fruit Salad, feel free to get in touch with us via email, Instagram or Twitter. There have been a few occasions where people have told us about their new music, but not about the fruit. WE CANNOT ACCEPT THIS. Come one, come all, but please, come with fruit. Until next month!


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