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InterviewsMawpit talk 'Eye To Eye' and upcoming EP / Interview

Mawpit talk ‘Eye To Eye’ and upcoming EP / Interview

Mawpit have featured a lot on the blog this year, and for good reason. Having released two killer singles and with an EP on the way, the trio have become a favourite of ours. We’ve even had the pleasure of taking part in their new MawTalks series, which was very cool! In this interview we discuss latest single ‘Eye To Eye’ as well as the upcoming EP Common Enemy.

Huge thanks to Mawpit for taking the time to do this! Perhaps we can have another round of Smash again soon?

Hello Mawpit, how’s it going? Jordan: Hey, we’re pretty good thanks.

You’ve recently released your new single ‘Eye to Eye’. What can you tell us about it? Cait: So Eye to Eye was written after I had an argument with someone I’m close with. We were disagreeing on some very important topics and it made me realise that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t see eye to eye. I think people get stuck in their ways and they stop being open to other points of views and that can lead to arguments.

It’s the second single to come from your upcoming EP Common Enemy. It also seems to be just as heavy as “Mum I’m Sorry“, so could we expect the whole EP to be pretty heavy? Jordan: Yeah you can definitely expect the heaviness to persist throughout the next releases. I think we made a conscious decision to write heavy, aggressive yet catchy songs to really hammer home the individual messages and overall feel of each track to the listener.

Aled: From a drummer’s perspective, it was wild to see how the songs just became naturally more and more aggressive as we put them together – I think this is spurred on by the socio-political topics in the lyrics, we all feel so strongly about them and the songs come together more aggressively as a result.

What can you tell us about Chara, the protagonist the EP follows? Cait: Chara was inspired by a character from the game Undertale who I also referenced in the lyrics of Eat A Corpse. The character from Undertale only shows up when the player has made all the wrong choices in the game and appears just to end the character’s progress, kinda like karma. After writing the songs for the EP I realised most of the songs referenced an enemy and I liked the idea of making a character that would fight these enemies and bring them to justice. And it made sense to call her Chara because of the video game inspiration and the lyric “I hope Chara gets ya” from Eat A Corpse!

What’s something minor that happens in everyday life that you’d have as a common enemy with most people? Mine would probably be when you get twatted by a bug whilst out and about. Jordan: Yeah derpy bugs flying into you is a pain, but if you’re one of those people who double-dip into hummus, you are my common enemy.

Aled: The ever daily growing pool of wee on the floor of any men’s toilets. Like come on guys, we can aim better than this.

Last year you launched a gaming/podcast series called MawTalks which Alex and I got to graciously be a part of. What spurred the creation of it, and are you planning to bring it back? Cait: We got to know a lot of people in the industry when we came on the scene last year. Whilst being in the spotlight, we get reviews, interviews and chats with awesome people like you guys so we wanted to give something back. Jord and I love playing games so I came up with this idea of interviewing some of these amazing people we’ve met through our music careers and give them the spotlight for a change. Jord came up with the name MawTalks and that’s how it began!

Finally, what’s your favourite fruit?

Cait – Raspberries! 

Jordan – Mango, or Orange… I can’t decide haha 

Aled – A sweet jazz apple

Photo credit: Tom Dodd Visuals



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