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Single Reviewstest plan release 'My Teeth' // Review

test plan release ‘My Teeth’ // Review

London’s Noise-rock trio test plan have released their new single ‘My Teeth’. Already a staple of their live shows, the song depicts the downward spiral of a religious figure, as they descend into a world that sees them losing their grip on everything. Their sanity, their teeth. Everything. As someone who has regular dreams of losing their teeth, it’s nice to put an anthem to a nightmare.

As with the band’s mantra, ‘My Teeth’ makes you mosh as much as dance. It’s heavy instrumental feels like it pushes you right into the speakers. Leaving you to endure its overblown and abrasive sound. Each instrument seem determine to self-destruct, and that intensity bleeds through the riffs and the beats, making it quite the experience. It is oddly hypnotic, and the unhinged delivery of the vocals only ramp that up. They have a desperation to them that increases over the course of the track. Sounding more and more manic as it goes, to the point that you can’t tell if you’re imagining the group vocals or not.

It’s an excellent tune, and one that will definitely continue the momentum and buzz test plan have had so far. With a debut trip to the US on the cards, as well as a tour in Europe, this year could be massive for the trio, and ‘My Teeth’ ensures it gets off to a good start. Shoutout the video as well. It is insane.

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